Home page of Dagrun Aarsten
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Sneip 2


Quinn Photo Gallery



About me

Norway summer 2002

Skandifest 2002


A tribute to the Norwegian Fjord Horse - with a thoroughbred or two for diversity!

New and updated August 2003: Quinn goes to more shows! Beautiful grey mare Shannon (see picture at left) joins my herd - now under saddle.

So what's this all about?

It will be mostly about horses. Being Norwegian myself, and a big fan of the Norwegian Fjord Horse, I see it as my duty to promote this wonderful breed around the world. So be prepared.

NEWS: Quinn will be "fjord of the month" in Norway in September. Go to

What is a Norwegian Fjord Horse?
The most versatile horse breed in the world. Go to the picture page to have a look - and then to the link page (coming soon) for more information. Or look at the personal (or do I mean "horsonal") pages of Kneist, Sneip and Quinn.

Show Schedule Fall 2003:
September 13: Autumn Leaves Schooling show at The hose Park, Woodside, CA

October 10-12: "Fjordings West" show, Carson City, NV

October 18: Horse Trials at Travis Airfirce Base, Vacaville, CA
Send me an email!

This site is a work in progress
Here we go again, I start out with great enthousiasm and then get stuck somewhere and never finish. I will keep adding pictures, though.

Me...in a WESTERN saddle?
Cowboy hat missing, though. Dagrun riding Anvil's Rafael owned by Brigid Wasson. I think Rafael is part fjord and part tractor.

DGRN August 2003