Noni Strega
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Norway summer 2002

Skandifest 2002



And suddenly I found myself owning a Thoroughbred!
Nora (Noni Strega) is a horse that always fascinated me. So before I knew it, I bought her. So that's horse number three within 1/2 year. With a little more training and handling she will be a wonderful horse. She seems to be a great jumping talent, but needs to build a little more muscle and confidence before going into serious training.

Coming along...
When I got her, she seemed a quite uncomfortable and stiff, and didn't much like having a rider on her back. The turning point was a visit by equine Chiropractor Dr. Deb Sell. Instead of moving with a stiff back, short choppy steps and head up in the air, she is now starting to relax her neck and to use her back more correctly.
She is starting to act like a fjord now....

Pictures under saddle coming later!

DGRN July 2002